Sunday, May 31, 2015

"Normal" People Are Lucky.

I am still waiting for the results of my sleep study. I know my symptoms and have been dealing with them for months.  Things are only getting worse. Most days I'm really tired, but the days that I fall asleep driving are the worst. I am pretty convinced that I have narcolepsy. If it's not that, it definitely has to be some form of neuro disorder. It is NOT normal to fall asleep driving to work after 9 hours of sleep. There is so much anxiety while waiting for these results. I don't want to lose my license. I have no idea how they treat this. AND, I'm set to start my Remicade infusion on Tuesday. I feel like there are so many things piling up against me. I'm barely holding on. I'm pushing myself at work, yet they have no idea what I'm going through. I just want to cry, and feel sorry for myself. I've been to my doctor 3 times to tell him how depressed I felt. This last time, he finally prescribed something for me. How do people live like this? And function? My only goal is to make it through the day not falling asleep, and to have controlled pain.

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