Friday, September 26, 2014

Air conditioning and RA, they just cannot be friends.

I am always cold. Even in the summer, I would rather be warm, then have the AC blowing on me. The cold just hurts way too much.

Why is it that hospitals are always so cold? I don't understand why they need to keep the thermostat set SO low. I work in a hospital. Luckily, if I'm flaring, I can wrap myself in my snuggy and close my office door.

Today I went to the eye doctor, it reminded me that doctors offices are always cold. I was even wearing a sweater. I almost got up and left when it started to really ache my bones. Unfortunately, when you have RA and have been on tons of meds, they want to do ALL the eye testing. So, I was there forever.

Restaurants. Totally a given, everyone knows this. But, why is it always cold? Sometimes I'm so cold and uncomfortable, I don't want to eat.

I would never survive somewhere like Alaska. It looks so beautiful there too.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

48 hours post injection

Less than 48 hours since my first injection and I feel amazing. Seriously. I cannot tell you how night and day this has been. I have been so depressed about being in constant pain. To wake up this morning and feel nothing, I mean NOTHING, is pretty incredible. And I still have 2 more injections!

I strongly recommend this therapy to anyone that is close to needing a knee replacement. Or, near bone on bone. Or, just have tried every therapy for knee pain for OA. It's called viscosupplementation. The gel that they injected was called Euflexxa. I'm so excited. I'm walking without my usual limp today. I feel "normal".

Thursday, September 18, 2014


I had this dream last night that I was running around, almost gliding. We were kind of like sliding down a hill of some sort. I would run up the stairs to do it again. All I kept thinking was that I was invincible. I could do anything. I was pain free. It was amazing.

Then, of course, my alarm goes off and my knee is gnawing on itself.

Today was my first Euflexxa injection. I had wanted to do a video, but I was completely wiped out yesterday and just didn't plan well. They numbed the site pretty well. The needle for the actual gel is pretty big and a little intimidating. It actually felt just like getting a cortisone injection. They said I might stiffen up or swell the first 2 days.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

A Few More Days Until Euflexxa    This is a link to a video for the Euflexxa injection I'm starting on Thursday. I'm a little scared. But, from everything I've read online, most people get a good response to the injection. It's a series of 3 injections, one every week for 3 weeks.

Euflexxa is supposed to be a gel that adds "cushion" in the knee. At this point, I do not want to have any more surgeries. This year along, I've had my knee scooped and my gallbladder taken out. The whole year has been about recovery. I'm not ready for another surgery. I really hope these injections help.

It's been really hard to stand on my feet, or walk. Even just laying down. I've been in constant pain with my knee. And it's the same knee that was scooped.

The physical pain is really starting to wear on me mentally. There's only so much a person can take. And, I start to think, Is this what my life will always be? Will I always be in this much pain? It takes a toll.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Cranky Pants

I could really use a mood/attitude adjustment. My pain is constant, and it is really getting to me mentally. I'm 36, and I've had RA since I was 5. I've been dealing with pain nearly my entire life. Now that I also have OA, I just can't seem to deal with all the pain.

When I was younger, I seemed to have more inflammation and stiffness. That was painful, but bearable. The OA, it literally feels like your bones are scraping on each other. And when my knee locks, OMG. Lately, I seriously wonder how much more I can take. They say I'm too young for knee replacements. But, technically, shouldn't I be too young for RA and OA?

If there are people out there with stories to share. I am always willing to chat. I actually wish I had more people to talk to. It's hard not having friend or family that REALLY understand.

Please email me.

Friday, September 5, 2014


Have you ever been in so much pain that you can't think straight?

I stopped taking my Norco because it just wasn't doing anything besides putting me to sleep. My knees ache so bad, I just want to cry. There's no other way to describe the pain. The left knee is awful. And, it's constant.

Two weeks ago, I had a cortisone shot. No relief. Yesterday, I saw the doc again, we're going to start a new "therapy". It's called viscosupplementation. It's a gel injection for the knee, basically to give more cushion inside. The medication was ordered today. I started researching, it sounds like a lot of people benefit from it. I really hope this helps. I do NOT want to have another surgery, especially this year.

It's so hot outside, and I'm bundled in blankets. The joys of RA/OA!! This is the biggest pity party I've had in awhile. I wish more than anything I had a better support system. Sometimes, just a hug or a "I understand" means so much! I defend my symptoms or hide them, and that drives me crazy.