Sunday, October 19, 2014

Dipping My Feet Into the Social Pool

When weekends come, I look forward to catching up on sleep. I might see my nieces, read book with them. Or, take my car to the car wash. I don't venture far from home, knowing that I usually tire easily. Overall, my arthritis has been better since the Euflexa injections. I just battled a flare last week, but the weather was adjusting here and we all know how that goes.

My friend Rachel called on Saturday and said that her work had given her tickets to a Kings preseason basketball game. She said she doesn't like basketball, but hated for the tickets to go to waste. I'm actually a fan, and something made me say yes. I picked her up early and we decided to go into town for a snack before the game. I had fries that were deep fried in duck fat. Sounds gross, but they're really good. We were sitting at a large table outside, and a group of guys asked if their party could join us. One ended up talking to me for awhile, and asked for my number. Another guy was drunk and was showing me pictures of his cute little girl. The game was good, but long. I love basketball, and live games are the best. But, the seating is not made for people with RA. Seats are hard and not a lot of leg room. I don't drink often, and Rachel is a recovering alcoholic. So, it was nice that there wasn't any pressure for either of us to drink. We did have coffee at the game, and I was worried I would have trouble sleeping. But, I didn't.

I woke up this morning, tired of course because I was out late last night from the basketball game. I'm getting sick. I always feel like I need to blame it on something. Like, I did too much. Or, that I was out too late last night. Maybe it's just a simple cold and will go away soon. I'm all sniffly, achy, with a awful headache. Oh, and earaches. I just took some tylenol cold. Yuck. I hate when I'm sick. I don't want to miss any work this week!!!

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