Friday, September 26, 2014

Air conditioning and RA, they just cannot be friends.

I am always cold. Even in the summer, I would rather be warm, then have the AC blowing on me. The cold just hurts way too much.

Why is it that hospitals are always so cold? I don't understand why they need to keep the thermostat set SO low. I work in a hospital. Luckily, if I'm flaring, I can wrap myself in my snuggy and close my office door.

Today I went to the eye doctor, it reminded me that doctors offices are always cold. I was even wearing a sweater. I almost got up and left when it started to really ache my bones. Unfortunately, when you have RA and have been on tons of meds, they want to do ALL the eye testing. So, I was there forever.

Restaurants. Totally a given, everyone knows this. But, why is it always cold? Sometimes I'm so cold and uncomfortable, I don't want to eat.

I would never survive somewhere like Alaska. It looks so beautiful there too.

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