Saturday, August 23, 2014

Sometimes, people just will NOT understand

My left knee, I also call my surgery knee, has been bothering me for well over a month now. It's the same pain that I felt before I had arthroscopic surgery. I went to see the knee surgeon on Thursday, we're trying cortisone injections before making any crazy decisions. So, I got my injection, was reminded to stay off my feet for 2 days. I figured with only one more day in the work week, I could manage at work with my leg up and letting them know I couldn't walk around. Work was understanding. I propped my leg up, even put on my snuggy and shut my office door. One of the girls came in later, I was telling her that I was dying for some coffee. We laughed, saying how great it would be if Starbucks delivered. A little while later, I had to leave my office, I walk out and Starbucks is being passed out. Did anyone think about the girl that cannot walk to get coffee? Sometimes, just little things mean so much.

After work, I realized my house key was left in my jacket-in the house. I had to wait for someone to get home. I figured I would get my nails done while waiting. I drove down the street, and luckily they had a opening. It turned out to be a awful experience. The lady was so rough with me. Even after I told her I had arthritis. She kept telling me to relax my hand. My hands are so stiff, I can't help which way they go. I was so close to tears. Then, she kept pulling my arm so hard that my shoulder would react. I would get this look almost like, what's wrong with you. It just breaks my heart when people don't have any compassion. I get my nails done on a regular basis, but normally at a place near work. They are so professional and understanding. They even ask if they're hurting me. I guess, lesson learned with this place.

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