Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I went to see the neurologist today. It was my first appointment. I was referred to evaluate my hand tremors, which of course are better. But, I've waited two months for the appointment, so I figured it was worth going anyway. We talked about the hand tremors and how/when they occur. They only seem to happen when I lift my hand, not at rest. I mentioned how I had been having really bad headaches. Bad enough, that my doc had ordered an MRI. The MRI was fine, but I keep getting this sharp stabbing pain in the left side of my head. The neurologist is ordering a anticonvulsant medication. Basically, to slow the activity in my brain. I took the first dose today. The side effects don't look awful. I always worry about stomach upset or fatigue. Those things really get to me. It does say I could possible get fatigue and/or dizziness. I'm going to keep a close eye on it. The interesting thing is, that the doc today was figuring that these symptoms began when I started Enbrel. Right now, it's not enough for me to say I want to stop Enbrel. It's doing more good than it could potentially be doing bad.

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