Sunday, January 11, 2015

Buh Bye MTX, Hello Again Termites

I will never understand why people question me when I say that my body aches or that I hurt really bad. It's almost like, its not gone yet? Some common responses I get are "really?" or "still?" and it just drives me crazy. It makes me feel like I need to somehow justify my pain, it is real. I wish someone could step into my shoes and feel it, PLEASE. 

Doc stopped my methotrexate last week. It's amazing sometimes when you stop a medication and side effects are slowly stopping, you didn't even realize you had. I feel so much more clear headed, and not as tired. But, I am in pain. I was in pain while on it as well. My insurance has finally approved Xeljanz. I have taken this before and did not experience any side effects. It should be delivered UPS tomorrow. 

My left knee hurts really bad right now. It's still tolerable, I say about a 7-7.5 on the pain scale. I always say that it feels like I have termites in my knee. When I was standing during church this morning, it felt like I weighed 500 pounds. After a few minutes of standing, I just feel all my weight on that knee. I hate taking pain pills because they make me go to sleep. I feel like all I do is sleep. I'm actually awake past my bedtime right now. I'm trying to change my sleeping patterns a bit, just so I feel that I'm not sleeping all the time.

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