I had surgery in March, we scoped my knee and did a synovectomy. After surgery, I had a hard time restarting my meds. I had to hold my plaquenil for 3 weeks for surgery, once I restarted it, it made me sick. While trying to recover from surgery, I was started to flare because my meds weren't under control. My doc only had me off work for 3 weeks after my knee surgery. I returned, limping and flaring. Of course, I turned to fmla time. I left early here and there.
Right now, I'm scheduled to see a surgeon on Tuesday for gallbladder surgery. I have been in constant pain for at least a month. I've only missed one day of work, but that was because I was in the Emergency Room.
What I'm struggling with is that my work is pointing the finger at me for "not doing my job". When things do not get done because I'm out due to fmla. It almost makes me scared to use it sometimes because I know I'll get called into the office to be reminded of something that was missed. Everyone knows you can't talk to HR because they're friends with the boss, and then you get made fun of. It's just ridiculous. Sadly, I work for a large organization. I'm not sure how fmla protects my job anymore. Sometimes, I feel like they're building this case of "she doesn't get her work done" to get me fired. Its scary.