Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Back To Work

Today was my 3rd day back at work. I was glad to go back. But, by today, I was tired. My office was moving locations today. Getting back to a normal routine AND moving may have been a little much for me. My ankle keeps swelling. I'm due for my Remicade infusion tomorrow. I'm really glad too, this time around I feel like it wore off last week. I'm thinking about talking to the doctor about having them more frequently. My mood is so much better with work now that I'm on happy pills. I really think I let my mind get to a bad place when I wasn't feeling good. I did struggle a little with fatigue today, but not until I was driving home. It wasn't like it used to be, but noticeable.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Feels Like A New Person

It's been 5 weeks since I started Remicade infusion's. I have to say that I feel like a different person. I really hope this keeps up. I noticed about 2 weeks ago that my energy had significantly changed. I was able to get through the day without napping, and stay up later than 7! My next infusion is next week. And towards the end of the month, I'll have labs done again. I haven't really had any major side effects. My stomach bothered me at first. I have noticed that I am bruising a lot.

I go back to work Monday, that'll be the real test! I'm only going to be working 4 days a week. I thought that would be a better compromise. I know that I really need to take care of myself so that I don't end up in that horrible position again. To even try to explain the physical and mental effects that RA has is just so difficult.

I recently participated in a RA gift exchange. I received some Biofreeze! I'm kind of excited, I've never tried it before and really look forward to trying it. I also was given a book on photography. Pretty cool since I have a camera I don't know how to use well.

Here's my cankle!